Traditional concepts in osteopathic medicine

Traditional concepts in osteopathic medicine

Dal 29 Gennaio 2015 al 1 Febbraio 2015

“This course is designed to give the student exposure and in depth training on how to enter into the therapeutic process through various means. The most important concept is to guide the student to the clear meaning of “Health” and what that perceptually feels like in the patient and to learn its language so we can accurately communicate and utilize its unerring potency as a doorway to facilitate healing. This all begins with the ability to Synchronize and understand Neutral and its importance as a prerequisite to any approach in Osteopathy.

Dr. Still clearly stated that… “The object of the Physician is to find Health, Anyone can find disease”.

Dr. Sutherland described liquid light and transparency in his patients and clearly described later on in his life the impression of the Breath of Life. Dr. Rollin Becker described the concept of …”Be Still and Know” and Dr. Wales in the 1953 OCA Journal talked about utilizing the stillness as a fulcrum to synchronize with Health.

All of these tremendous ambassadors of Osteopathy spoke about the importance of Natures Laws and how they function in and through our patient’s. It is important for anyone who chooses to embrace the True Nature of Osteopathy, that they be well aware of this tremendous gift that was passed down to us and its universal concepts that have been around since the beginning of time.

Dr. Still stated…”Osteopathy is as old as the Heaven’s”.

It is my experience that these laws have been practiced by all of the indigenous cultures of the earth and that Osteopathy is a privilege, not a profession. I am grateful to both practice and live its essence.”

Joseph S Grasso, DO


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Osteopati DO che hanno frequentato tutti e 6 i livelli del “Corso avanzato nell’ambito della respirazione primaria”.

Durata dal 29 gennaio al 1 febbraio 2015

Joseph Grasso DO

Sede SOMA – Istituto Osteopatia Milano Viale Sarca 336 F Edificio 16 20126 Milano
Costo Euro 650,00 + IVA entro il 31 dicembre 2014

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